Let's Celebrate Each Moment:
New Year Retreat For Everyone
Let's celebrate each moment that is given us by existence!

It's always very important to celebrate the last day of the year with the surroundings of conscious people and welcome the first day of the year with full expansion and meditativeness .

And that's the main purpose of our New Year Workshop to deep diving in Meditativness.

And write our own destiny.

In this Workshop, we are going to share super transformative practices and ritual that comes from ancient Tantra.

Let's Talk about What is Tantra?

Several of you already heard about Tantra, and most of you think that Tantra is the playground to fulfill your desires.

That's the half-truth, and remember, a half-truth is more dangerous than a Lie.

So, what is Tantra in reality?
Tantra is the most elegant Path of spiritual development. The Path of pleasure, love, & meditation.

Once in contact with the Path of Tantra, it is no longer possible to remain the same.
It penetrates every corner of life, vibrates in every cell of the body.

The main ingredient is unconditional acceptance.

Only Tantra accepts a person in all ways and without trying to change. Tantra helps to find the balance of our inner male and female energy.

Tantra shows how the whole Existence is connected. Yes! That's what evolution is, a quantum leap of consciousness.

Yes, Tantra accepts all colors of life.

Accept the desires and give all the necessary tools to live the desires with consciousness and totality and be free from them.

Tantra teaches us to live meditatively and experience life to its highest possibility.

Tantra teaches, Fill your life with rightful purpose, merging with the divine existence that surrounds us.

We are born into the human body. To be born in the human body is a golden opportunity.

So, we must learn the art to experience this holy life through all senses that give expansion!

This expansion brings libration. Yes! Tantra is the path to Nirvana.
To give and accept love and share love with all living things is the highest bliss.

Come and immerse in the Tantra with us, and your life will change forever!

We are inviting you for this extraordinary journey.

In the temple of Tantra Nectar, It's about the feeling of inner nature, about allowing yourself to be seen and to be in enjoyment.

It's about dance of viral energies, interaction and deep understanding of oneself.

What happens during this Training?

All Tantra Nectar training has one goal:

to give you taste the sweet taste of Tantra Nectar so that you can experience the state of Expansion.

Thus, everything you learn, experience, and gain during our training is to guide you towards achieving this goal.

Also in this retreat, you will learn the basic understanding of Conscious touch and mystical tantric massage.

The retreat will be of interest to everyone who wants to improve the quality of their intimate life, to be filled with the fresh energy of attractiveness, confidence, and magnetism.

For those who are moving along the spiritual path, Tantra provides great opportunities for the opening of all energy centers and full realization.

There are many aspects in this training, some of them being:
  • Tantra Yoga, Pranayama, Bandha, and Mudra Practices
  • Osho Meditations
  • Understanding of Chakra System and Various kinds of Chakra Meditations
  • Body Awareness Techniques
  • Bio-energetic Techniques and Body dynamics breathwork exercises
  • Ancient Tantra Rituals and Mediations from Vigyan Bhairav Tantra of Kula Tradition and from Tantra Loka of Kashmiri Shivaism Tradition
  • Mantra Journey of Buddhist Tantra Tradition, Vedic Tantra Tradition
  • Body Movement, Ecstatic Dance, Kundalini Awaking Exercises and Contact Dance with oneself and others
  • Self-Love Exercises to make you feel comfortable with yourself
  • Tantric Body Sensitivity exercise and rituals with oneself and others
  • Tantra Nectar Touch and Tantra Massages from different traditions.
  • Contact Exercises to expand your senses and to explore your boundaries
What will you gain and learn from this workshop?
  • 1
    You will awaken your senses in a very new dimension which you did before. It will help you in your daily life and also in your meditation journey.
  • 2
    It will make you feel alive again by awakening your vital energy and senses.
  • 3
    It will give you a better understanding of your body, so you can feel your body and tune in better with the surroundings.

  • 4
    It will balance your Chakra system and restore the Shiva & Shakti energy inside of you.
  • 5
    It will improve your overall Sex Life and Works on Holistic health and will help you foster a deep connection with your body.
  • 6
    It starts your Inner Journey with Blessings of Tantra Masters.

  • 7
    It will bring back playfulness and creativity in your life.

Satyarthi Prateek and Satya are a beloved couple who together host live retreats in Bali and online-programs all around the world.

Tantra Nectar Academy was founded in 2017. During this time, Satyarthy led more than 800 people through the knowledge of tantra. He also created 8 unique live and online meditations and 6 deep programs that he conducts at his retreats.

A few years ago, Satya joined him and became a co-host, since she herself has extensive experience in tantra and conducting retreats for women.

They masterfully adapt the ancient knowledge of tantra for a modern person, since they themselves combine spiritual growth and material well-being in life.

Their retreats, workshops and meditations have already changed lives and opened the hearts of so many people.

What people are saying about Tantra Trainings?
For more information contact our Organiser or Manager:

SarjanaPrema (+79039760566)

Natalya (@natykole)

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